Publisher's FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions of implementing publisher integration)

What are materials and what is a product?

Schools / institutions acquire products. A product consists of one or more materials. A publisher must have at least one product and that said product must contain at least one material. You can get started by adding one material and a product via user interface.

Must products go through an acceptance process?

Dikaios will check all products before they are made available to end users. Publishers are responsible for the validity of all information they provide. When you have filled in all the necessary product information, contact us for product activation.

Where can I get access to Edustore?

Send an email to We will grant access to both systems.

What is the purpose of publisher's interface?

It is the publisher interface's duty to ensure ensure validity of a request coming from Dikaios, create the necessary user information required in publisher's systems, sessions or other required functions - and to direct user to the right learning material. For direction, publishers can use Dikaios's resource_url and publisher_material_id fields.

Where can I get a key for the interface?

You can create a new, or use a preset key, for the interface. Your interface key can be found on the interface tab.