This page describes the distribution of digital materials purchased from Edustore to Google Classroom.

Sharing material to Google Classroom

When a teacher wants to share a link to Google Classroom from digital material acquired through Edustore, they must first go to Edustore (the transition method may vary by organization). After this, the user is directed to the Google login window, if the user is not already logged in or the session has already expired. The user must log in to the Google credentials provided by their organization.


After logging in, Edustore asks for permission to use the user's Google account information
These permissions are:

  • View user data.
  • View and edit the contents of the user's Google Classroom.

User data, that Edustore will utilize are:

  • Firstname
  • Lastname
  • Email address
  • Role
  • School
  • Municipality

This information is needed to identify the user.

Permissions for Google Classroom are needed so that Edustore can...

  • and list the user's courses.
  • ...create content for the courses.
The Google Classroom permissions requested by Edustore cover more rights than Edustore needs, but they also contain what is needed.

Proceeding to Edustore and choosing the material to share

If the user accepts the permissions requested by Edustore, they will be redirected to Edustore's My own-page. Here, the user can see the digital learning materials acquired for them by their organization. Also the material from which they have requested a demo, is shown here. They can take the materials on this page to Google Classroom. The material is exported to Google Classroom using the To platform-button at the end of the material row.

Selection Google Classroom course

Selecting course 1 / 3

When the user has selected the material they wants to export to Google Classroom, they are directed to choose the course to which the material will be added. The listed courses are from the user's own Classroom view. If there are no courses for the user, Edustore informs about it.

Selecting course 2 / 3

After the course selection, Edustore still makes sure that the course selection was correct. At this point, the user can still cancel their selection. If the user cancels their selection, they will return to step 1/3.

Selecting course 3 / 3

If the user confirms their selection with the Add-button in the previous step, Edustore adds the material to the selected course and notifies the user that the material has been added.

After this the user can then close the windows shown in the screenshots.

Google Classroom

Once the sharing is completed successfully, the shared material will appear in the Google Classroom feed.